Embodied Enneagram Workshop (FREE)
What's your Enneatype?
Service Description
*Learn an incredibly precise system of personality structures. *Grow awareness of your needs, goals, automatic responses. *Find the direction of your desired changes. *Gain a powerful tool for personal and collective transformation. Jeff King will introduce the Enneagram, an incredibly precise and accurate system that helps us to discover how our personality is structured. It shines light on our patterns of feeling, thinking and behavior that shape how we relate to ourselves, others and our world. The Enneagram is a powerful tool for personal and collective transformation. A unique feature distinguishing the Enneagram from other personality systems is a pathway for growth, change and integration. As we gain awareness of our basic needs and goals, and our automatic responses and defense mechanisms, the Enneagram points us in the direction of desired changes. Shannon will lead a guided meditation on how feelings show up in our bodies as signposts toward healing. The Enneagram has 3 intelligence centers (head, heart and gut) with predominant expressed and repressed emotions. How can finding them in our bodies help liberate us? Come and explore the sensations. *Afterward, we’ll group up into our best-guessed types to share about our personality struggles and hopes. *Have fun talking with others who might understand your way of navigating the world!
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Get the most out of your free session by preparing to be fully present and arriving on time.