Shannon Gorres loves digging in the roots and nourishing the soil. She is continually developing her toolbox of skills to help others dig too, and play in the mud. 

Working on a continuum between healing psychological & emotional pain and spiritual awakening, Shannon helps others integrate their difficult experiences into refreshed ways of being. She’s spent her lifetime building self-awareness and serenity, to shift hurtful patterns and to know the Divine more thoroughly. She strives for an ever-fuller awakening into love, unity, and wholeness.

Shannon looks different, depending on the day and season. Shannon is gender fluid and uses “she” or “they” pronouns. You are welcome to show up each day as you truly feel, in any form.

I know it can be difficult sometimes to share your innermost thoughts, beliefs, and feelings, because of trauma, shaming, or our dominant culture’s polarity of right/wrong. So it’s important that you know I am not judging you or aiming to convert you to any belief- except more kindness. And what that looks like is also up for discussion. (It certainly doesn’t exclude anger.) 

People tell me very, very difficult things. All are held in the utmost care.

We explore the truth together, and your inner wisdom is welcomed forth.

My personal life goals are: awareness, compassion, and wisdom.

My practices are in universal Sufism, Zen Buddhism and mindfulness, progressive Christianity, and classical Yoga. I also have experience with earth-based and pagan practices. At times I can share from these paths what seems relevant and connected to your path, when you wish.

Of course some methods work best for me, but you are unique. People have different effective paths. So I’m here to ally with you on the path and goals that feel best for you.

I don’t think you need to be on any explicit spiritual path to be good, whole, healthy, and dignified. People choose what works for them, and the world is beautiful that way.

2004-2006 Social Worker in Ames, Iowa. She realized the depth of cultural  structures (internal and external) on people’s approaches and abilities to respond to stressors.

2008 Masters of Latin American Studies at KU.  She studied race, gender, & politics/economics in the history of North America. Her master’s thesis used the geography of place, the interconnectedness of nature, as context for human relationships. 

2014 Masters of Divinity at Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, CA.  She dove deeper into the ways the internal story unique to each person is also a key part of healing life narratives; and she studied spirituality, justice, and creative soul expression. She also earned a Certificate in Religion and Sexuality.

2020 Board Certified Chaplain, proving 31 competencies in spiritual and emotional care (from common therapeutic interventions to trauma response and complex organizational analysis). She has supported hundreds of adults and children through crises and dying processes, along with grieving, angry, and disoriented families.


~Sivananda teacher, from the Sivananda Yoga and Vedanta Ashram, 2009.

~Dances of Universal Peace leader, and ordained cherag, with the Sufi Ruhaniat International, since 2014.

~Forest Therapy Guide, through the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy, 2021.

~Apprentice of Denise Ellen Hill, Spiritual Direction mentor and retired ACPE Supervisor, 2015-2023.

~Parent of a highly sensitive child. Through many courses such as Empowered Parenting, she learned that holistic child-raising is not about perfection but about allowing a loving awareness to learn from the past and guide best actions in the moment. 2016-now.

She’s a life-long learner called to serve humanity.

Shannon has taken numerous trainings about white privilege and anti-racism, LGBTQ+ particularities, classism, and their intersectionality, and she continues to learn about specific ways of allyship. 

She also studies neuroscience, resiliency, compassion fatigue, and trauma-informed care.


She facilitates:


~Mindfulness and stress reduction workshops

~Vegetable and flower garden growth.

She loves people and the planet.